unmatchedfury, it's "grammar" and "courage". Don't insult someone's else language skills simply because you don't like the subject matter.
chicks boy, if you want traps, play a ranger. Why should assassins lay traps? They're designed to kill quick, not waste time laying traps. This is GW, not diablo.
Assassins aren't only ninjas, and ninjas aren't only assassins. Check out wikipedia and you'll most likely be surprised at what a ninja really is.
Assassin is all about speed. A sword, especially a two-handed one, is big, unwieldy, and difficult to hide or carry around. You want an assassin to be a ninja, yet don't want an assassin to use more appropriate assassin weapons?
An invisible assassin and no limit to teleportation? You do realise there are balance issues involved right?
Run through walls? Again, balance. And it's also very difficult to implement properly.